Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


I usually go on /r/insanepeoplefacebook.

I used to go on /r/iamatotalpieceofshit, but over time that sub really made my blood boil, so I stopped going there.

Those two links sound NSFW if you ask me.

clicks link

i’m sorry you had to experience that arete

it’s occasionally entertaining but mostly just depressing


First one’s basically mocking conspiracy theorists on facebook.

Second one’s, well, highlighting PoS’s on society such as racial supremacists, spousal abusers, animal abusers, and whatnot.

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this hitting every ‘this has to be satire oh God this probably isn’t satire’ button I have

it’s occasionally entertaining when they believe things which are just entertainingly wrong, but it’s usual massive racism that makes me dislike it

also occasionally eugenics pops up, and it’s always Fun™ to have to encounter fucking eugenics

right now it looks like it’s 90 percent people believing dumb things about Coronovirus

amazingly people haven’t caught on to the fact that David Icke is a fucking moron

Who dat?

Is that the guy who invented “5G towers are giving us corona?”

(From context I’m assuming he has some pretty dumb opinions about corona.)

yes, that’s him

Oh boy when I see the name David Icke mentioned. I know something is going down.

Speaking of 5G. I’ve heard there are people destroying 5G towers because they believe it spreads COVID-19.

Yes sadly such people exist. it’s easy to hate such people, yet I think their lives are enough punishment on their own.

Its true tho

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Sometimes I can’t tell if you’re serious or not Emilia.


~0.8 foot.