Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

why are you inventing memes to distract me? i checked fucking reddit to see if it was a meme there

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Its twitter this time

i inflicted god damned r/memes on myself

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do you have any idea how awful browsing reddit is?
i didn’t browse tumblr because tumblr while infinitely entertaining will also never tell you anything useful whatsoever

they’re both pits of madness, but i’m not sure which one is worse: reddit, which does tell you what you want to find eventually but makes you feel awful on the way, or tumblr, in which you will probably learn something and you will be happy that you learned it, but it will be something completely irrelevant to the thing you searched up

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just go on /r/funny

I used to spend a lot of time on Tumblr

it was … high-variance

it’s slightly better than r/dankmemes, where if you scroll down through more than twenty posts you will instantly locate some real bullshit

this is why i don’t really look at anything outside of the subreddits i subscribe to

oh i’m not arguing with that
but i have far more fun browsing tumblr than reddit despite reddit being more useful

i find humor in /r/funny and /r/dankmemes occasionally, because i think REALLY BAD jokes can be funny

but both those subs are devoid of real humor

r/iamverysmart is pretty fun.

i have found r/comedynecrophilia jokes more funny than some actual r/funny posts

i enjoy that sub more than i have any right to

A real gem

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also r/PoliticalCompassMemes is garbage and you can quote me on that



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oh my god i forgot about that meme
let me search it up

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This is a message from Lord Nergal. I await you on the dread isle.

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