Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

every subreddit that can have opinions will be an echochamber

most of my examples are from subreddits i doubt many/any people here browse or already given (every political subreddit either)

in that it’s way more leftwing than 90% of its’ users in a really weird and unproductive way

Yeah, I think I see a similar kind of attitude regarding neuroticism and perfectionism when it comes to transgender subs on reddit regarding passing, tbh. Like, you’d see trans redditors who look extremely passable and then they are panicking in the sub claiming that they’ll never pass or something like that.

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generally though r/politics is just Orange Man Bad Give Me Upvotes

There’s a lot of cross-posting there, I admit.

ur pretty left, right ici?
i remember you being pissed when corbyn got hammered last year

Its not socialist

I’m pretty annoyed that new labour is back

Imagine having GPAs.


yes i am
my dislike for r/poltiics stems from the fact that it’s extremely vapid and incapable of convincing anybody most of the time

i know
better than i thought it would be
we’ve gone over this before
im way further left than sanders

Yeah, it’s very left-wing in general.

admittedly i don’t interact much with LGBT+ communities, but the few times i’ve been on lgbt subreddits they didnt seem awful?

granted they were all meme subreddits but still


Political subs are the worst, though.

every post, particularly now, is raising its’ hands in triumph about The Orange Man™ being finally PROVEN to be TERRIBLE for EVERYBODY in a way that is… not going to convince anybody.

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the actual bernie subreddits have slightly more nuance but they are simmilarly incapable of expressing issues to the average redditor


Sums up /r/politics 2017-2020 well.


so while r/politics has a major Social Democrat bias that doesn’t mean shit because they don’t seem to be making any points, whereas r/Conservative, transphobic hellhole that it is, always appears to be making a point whenever it pops up on r/all

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i hate political discussion in almost any capacity so mentally blocking out the existence of every political subreddit ever wasn’t much to ask of me

but hearing bout the drama unfolding on TD every week was hard to avoid on some subs i frequented at the time :upside_down_face:


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