Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

sorry you’re right i forgot about that bit

I don’t even need to convince myself.

i could tell stories of katze being a bad person

but i feel like at least 1 person here respects me as a person maybe

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another problem is that it only takes a single tweet to be convinced that the Ess-Jay Double-Uuuus are Ruining my Media with Forced Diversity but it takes a video essay to show that said statement isn’t true

I think most people could tell stories of things they have done that were bad

and that not all of those people are bad people

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at least u have 1

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liberals are THE most corrupt
They control everything (military industrial complex, intelligence industrial complex, establishment media, wall street, big tech, etc.)

Not to mention masters of nepotism

thats not an invalid point but i’m going to ignore it because it means i might be wrong

among other reasons


Greatest enemy of a leftist is another leftist

yes, they’re less fascist than conservatives, but they’re much more formidable

and i’m just so god damn sick of having to explain that just because I think such and such “Strong female character” is bad because the writers broke down in laughter when somebody suggested giving her actual characterisation beyond “she’s both strong AND sexy, AND SHE DON’T NEED NO MAN” does not mean that I think forced diversity is ruining hollywood movies.

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I abhorred how tumblr activists oversimplified that, tbh.

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infighting between liberals and communists should go to Discord DMs or something

I get that we play kind of fast and loose with the ‘no politics’ rule, but that one is pretty unambiguous


but icibalus

if you make any criticism about anything that means you hate the broadest description of that thing


personally i seperate your average liberal voter and tweeter from the borgueoise in that definition

sheep doomed to be brainwashed by MSM

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see: the entire rest of this conversation

i think trying to tar the people most responsible for the upkeep of this god damned system and the people who vote for them as the same is a bad idea, at least in my view


