Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I actually am in a p cool non-meme lgbt subreddit

Its good motivation to keep working out

…I can’t tell if I agree with this take because it’s correct or for other reasons :eyes:

I get that dysphoria exists, but it’s a bit too much when I see people worrying that a 5’7" transwoman’s height is too clockable or that they’re too late to start taking estrogen at 16.

that’s basically the major problem with centre-left discourse: it has a level of nuance most right-wingers don’t have (I’m not saying the right is bereft of theory, there is some thought there), but it spends ages making points that have logical inconsistencies because it’s not really willing to admit that Maybe Capitalism Isn’t That Good Ya’lll™ and assumes the reader is an athiest, whereas a conservative’s point will be short, punchy, and expressable in a tweet, even if it makes zero sense if you think about it for more than a few seconds.

so it ends up constantly pushing conclusions without the required logical legwork to make itself feel better about itself in a way that convinces absolutely nobody.

i won’t get too into it but while I consider liberals to not be enemies i think the way they handle political discourse is why the left-leaning sections of society keep losing

The thing you have to realise is that people can’t be forced to change their mind on any subject. If they feel like they’re being forced, they’ll dig in their heels and become more convinced they’re right and everyone else is wrong.


Confirmation bias in a nutshell.


I kind of want to make a summary of all the reasons I’ve been scumread for but I’m lazy.

Thats just ppl in general

all this talk about Reddit discourse is making me remember Tumblr discourse circa 4 years ago

that was sure a thing


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i should do this too

it’d all be the same thing tho

Pretty much.

tumblr discourse is either incredibly vicious infighting within sections of the LGBT community or it’s about the most pointless fandom shit possible


definitely did not convince myself that I was a bad person for acknowledging that I had any problems that were caused by things other than Societal Power Structures

there’s no inbetween


except it’s indisputably true

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sometimes it is both at once


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