Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Your classcard being posted in the thread.

No has even seen me play a scum game so far here in past games.

because i just knew that you wouldn’t make that read as villa, especially not this early
you don’t give people free passes


I feel like I should get into bussing more but I just don’t want to at all tbh

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you only ATE as town

i ate strategically really

honestly i’m capable of putting out a good performance as v, but not in the Current Circumstances™
as such I will be improving my hosting abilities and will be hosting more

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i was gonna ask someone how they read me but i think everybody here would say =rand

or chloe would say she has a soulread on me

i gotta start having more of a distinct meta because knowing how people read my posts sounds funny and relatively cool

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What’s ate, can I eat that?

Youre easy to read

But hard to explain

no u

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You’re easy to read aswell.

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i’m also thinking of getting into the Designing Vanilla Opens more game

Im hella easy to read

I still have zero clue wtf im doing half the time

excellent read actually
i’d feel guilty if i did that as wolf
as villa i do it strategically when logic and reason don’t work

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and by that I mean I will be designing Haiku Mafia

Forgotten Howling.
A sad separated pack.
Is all my hope lost?


it has 3 collumns, one with 5 setups, one with 7 setuos, and anotther with 5 different setups, and other than that it’s your standard matrix setup

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You lost me after 3

I have a soulread on you :stuck_out_tongue: