Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Soulreads seem cool, where can I buy those?

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it’s a matrix setup but Ha Ha Ici Haiku Man

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damn arete is really good at noticing stuff


my read on you is always wrong, evidently

which means if i reverse my read on you, it’d be always right

just ignore m15er

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Shoulda listened to me in jk9

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i got us towncred and calculated the rand going in our favor

shut up

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Dw I already mislead even people like Kape
Who knows my scumtells extremely extremely well

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i thought i had a good read on alice until she betrayed me in fol 27

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But i saw scum priestess like

The second the game started


Vul’s rand saved it

What do y’all think was my best game so far?

I’d advice not looking at my last 3-4 games.

katze: “vul thats so fucking scummy”
the rand flips mafia
katze: “oh fuck”


Manual like

I know the choices are pretty scarce so I’ll include Turbos.


in RM4 I was trying to figure out if your slot was displaying agenda, but before we had any flips that was obviously difficult and I ended up lazily rounding it off to ‘we agree on everything so probably not being agenda-y’ which didn’t work as my reads that game were overwhelmingly not great

I was (correctly) worried that you were pocketing me because your villageread on me didn’t really make sense given that most of the things you were townreading me for aren’t outside of my wolfrange

in Anime FM I wasn’t sure on your slot until the debacle with the Mortician thing happened as I was pretty sure you were telling the truth when you talked about how you’d been trying to lynch a wolf D1 because you wanted to play scum (I forget my exact reasons for thinking that was true). Then when the thing with event prizes happened I got paranoid that you were actually a wolf and that I’d look bad if I sided with you (which … I was already kind of paranoid of because I know I’m bad at reading you), which is a big part of why I voted you there – as a villager I usually vote Ici there, that’s one of the few points in the game where my play explicitly diverged from how I’d have played if I were town

in Randomizer I had your slot as pretty null until the two scouts were outed. I thought your Merc claim was likely true based on your thought process generally making sense from the point of view of a Merc (even on D1/D2 pre-scout) and also you definitely pocketed me by talking about how much you hated your class :^) but until Kyo outed a neutcheck on you I still wanted you lynched because I know you can fool me and the neut claim in response to a D2 scout trip was kind of convenient

off the top of my head I can’t remember any other games we’ve played together recently and I’m not sure how much old games would help you

I think if I’d been in FoL 27 I would have been very pocketed

My best game so far was RM4

I existed for all of 10 minutes
I sent cat pics
I hyped kat up
I came
I saw
I left conquered

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[A]: Mafia 3-shot Jailkeeper [B] Named Townie (Poet) [C] Mafia 3-shot Rolecop
1 undetermined undetermined undetermined
2 undetermined undetermined undetermined
3 undetermined undetermined undetermined
4 undetermined undetermined undetermined
5 undetermined undetermined undetermined
6 undetermined
7 undetermined

basic structure for Haiku Matrix
one of A, B or C is chosen, and then a random row from 1-5 or 1-7 is chosen, and roles are added based on that
then add vanillagers
and bam

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I understand I was consistently townread in SFoL 60 Randomiser. That was a fun game.

Even the spectators were able to tell I was town.

i literally just sketched this out right now but it could be interesting
would need a lot of work

Where can I buy threadspews? Those seem fun aswell. (Keep in mind I don’t really know what that means.)