Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I have a feeling my new profile pic is going to make me look more wolfy than I expect.

changed VT to named townie because they can claim, but if they do the wolves will know exactly which setup they’re in whereas villagers will be limited to 1 of 7
that’s basically the idea

this seems to suggest that you have a different number of wolves depending on which column you roll

is that accurate

Is it a wolf?

no, that is not accurate. it just changes the amount of wolf PRs.

quick now write one of these about me

i just want to see another wallpost tbh

and it’d make the cultist happy


so a poet claiming tells the wolves exactly which setup they’re in, whereas the matrix will be designed so there is massive ambiguity otherwise

so the idea behind threadspewing is that most wolves are at least somewhat reluctant to give “easy” townreads to their partners because they don’t want to create associations

so if everyone is just like ‘yeah [player] is town’ without really considering any other possibilities, it means the wolves are also doing that, which paradoxically means they’re almost certainly a villager

I explained that really badly, Alice could probably do that better

Okay, I now have a general idea of what they are.

Time to give myself a flimsy townread as spectator.

bold of you to assume I have any idea how to read you

Read her town, always.

Most of the time, you’ll be right.

And your previous soulreads had exceptions anyway.

when literally no one at any point has expressed the sentiment you may be a wolf, it means you’re a villager 90% of the time
it means the wolves have given up on trying to push you because you are too villagery in their eyes
because the instinct of wolves is generally not to harddefend their partners, they will at least suspect their buddies for a moment or two, so a player who has never been questioned whatsoever and keeps eating townreads is almost certainly town

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also that would basically be ‘me going through every game where you pocketed me and talking about how you pocketed me’

ok i’m gonna use this on all the players here who are good as both alignments and then get screwed


there is such a thing as a wolf being scared of suspecting someone / pushing on someone and that’s what a threadspew is essentially

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Oh, so what Luxy meant when he said wolves had shelved his slot?

I think that was in Mafia Academy with the Geyde hydra?

id like to imagine you have more of an idea of what to look for than most other people

but then again this is a thing i’ve done on purpose and on accident so maybe not

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I think a lot of people here misread me because of when it comes to agree/disagreeing with my reads.

As wolf I’ll usually agree with people while also providing reasons to reinforce their reads in order to pocket and stay mainstream while as town I’ll basically chase after whoever I want. See how everyone was scumread Braixen because of the “slip” which allowed me to seal his lynch in FoL27.

So when I wolf nobody wolfreads me as they agree with my reads and because of this they see this as kind of like a mindmeld.

As a village me chasing after some random player because of a reason that they can’t comprehend for being not as skilled and experienced as I am and being able to notice these wolf tells, they just end up seeing a powerwolf chasing a LHF.

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it’s worth noting that while this read has failed a couple times in recent games it usually didn’t fail for reasons that make it not a ‘useful method’

for instance in Anime FM I was “thread-spewed village” despite being a wolf, but the reason for that was that I was the NK and thus the wolves didn’t have TMI that I was a wolf (Ici admittedly suspected it but he basically wasn’t playing)

Pretty much. Basically if everyone is townread a player for no reason, then odds are the wolves are TMI’ing them V.