Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Me too. Sad Jane noises.

Also the king variant is going on GI as well

Okay was I literally the only one who knew what it did from the start :sunglasses:

but how does harlot worth with genderless characters

We assume their gender to be male.


Hol up

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did I stutter

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You forgot about this part, Nerd.

Good boy Nerd!


literally the king of sexism

I see no problems with this in GI

wtf do we do with kat

basically a neutral peek with the added bonus of making it so we can finally find out katze’s gender :^)

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I thought katze was female?
Their title used to be katgirl

ah yes

everyone who’s pfp is female is female

right kyo?


I thought Amelia was female as well but I read their bio and apparently they haven’t revealed

katze is female

I could only wish for Doja Cat’s beauty + grace