Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

also like side note

in FoL

is it potentially possible to have 3 bounties go off in the same day

you’re all leaving out the Epic Play of using Finale Hex and then voting the deepwolf



the ability states that it can only trigger once per day

iirc only one bounty can trigger per day

Even better
Finale Hex the nk when voting anyone else would put it in F4 for nk win

wild gestures

but imagine double bounty fool without that limitation


Double Bounty Fool + Bastard double Hex Master

go go go

@sulit or @Arete Would either of you two be able to review my setup? I’ve made only a few changes. v1 has already been reviewed so it should be a quick review.

All changes have been documented with reason as well to quicken the process.

Yeah sure, send it to me?

Hi Sulit. Aren’t we playing in the same game again?

hello i think so

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Wait what

nvm I’m smert

Yeah I thought so.

mods [insert funny word]

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Anyone know all the <modification> things you can do? Like <big> and things.

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