Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Rename it to “not katze” and it will be the perfect class

Katzes out

i need more memes to put onto this class, all i have is selfvote+ate

throw ideas at me

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OMGUS obviously

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im thinking of an ability to represent towns track record with vigs

as of now it only has OMGUS and selfvote+ate


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take that alice

dont forget heroshot, randomly shoot any player who has mechanical proof they are town, and its required to be used every night if such a thing exists


this seems good

compulsive shot that kills anyone who is mechanically 100% town?

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Post requirement

300 posts per day


there is a passive referencing the cookie thread

i could change it to a post requirement, or a buff if you post more than X times

Yes hyperposting is essential

Vig shot that targets a random player

this was my initial plan until datbird said compulsive heroshot

it was either random, or 87% chance of hitting town

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i did it
i made the hero we needed

how do i make detonate a thing

do i just make it compulsive

every day, compulsively dayvig the closest living person below you on the player list

3 has detonate
compulsively kills 4, then 5, then 6…

wait i can do one better, one sec nvm