Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


i barely remember that game

only person who selfhammered in that game was possessed and i was pissed when i saw it because i was 100% sure he was town


i reread it sometimes

because parts of it are REALLY funny to me

like, final 7 onwards ive prob reread 5~ times

it has brought us this

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this is like half of why i use :^) now

same here :^)

one day i will have a game where people don’t try to defend themselves by claiming self-resolving or other bullshit “MAFIA CANT HAVE!!!”
it’s so exhausting to argue the same point every time
your claim doesn’t clear you
unless you’re literally an IC

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yes sentence

In Mountainous 15er (I wasn’t in this one, but I was hosting this one), the village didn’t get off to a great start early, basically just mislynching LHFy players D1 and D2, but on D3 (I think? could be D4) they correctly reevaluated noticed that Mist just literally wasn’t doing anything and managed to correctly lynch him, and shortly afterwards noticed that Italy was likewise not doing anything. They correctly cleared a few villagers based on their pushes on and interactions with the flipped wolves, and, while they miscleared Tan initially based on her acting in a solvey manner which people viewed as villagery, once they reached LyLo Dat and katze were able to find each other as villagers (Dat was already a strong village read for many players as he had replaced in for an obvious newbtown player) and correctly lynch the wolf. It did help that the wolf team included 2/3 wolves who effectively weren’t playing, and the wolves made several suboptimal kills such as nightkilling the person who was harddefending both of them and unlikely to reevaluate in order to create WifoM.

In the Cop13er (I was a player in this one) we … also got off to a bad start with two early mislynches and the N1 nightkill hitting the Cop, on D3 we managed to have W/V wagons that randed to a wolf more out of apathy then out of anything else, and after the first wolf lynch we were able to clear a bunch of players based on his spew, create a correct 3 person PoE that contained both remaining wolves, and identify two players in said PoE as never W/W which allowed us to guarantee a wolf lynch rather than risking sending it to 5p LyLo at which point one of the villagers less convinced of the PoE would likely have snapvoted.

also the “i didn’t have time / i wasn’t in the thread” defense
just try to use something else pls

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What if you’re a confirmed neutral fruit vendor but people still think you’re scum?

no Mist also self-hammered but he was a wolf

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well no

this was a deliberate strategy that would have worked if wolves submitted a NK

just host more vanilla setups tbh

how bad can we fuck up setups without town kill power

wolves not doing anything is always a good meme

I would say the common factor in both of these is that we correctly lynched a wolf in the midgame, and that lynch broke open the game

we can lynch lhf
and then lynch lhf
and then lynch lhf
and then lynch lhf
and then snapvote in lylo

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I mean

for me it was like

I didn’t even think you were necessarily a wolf

and I was terrified that it was going to rand to you, you would be town, and I would get mislynched in LyLo for, you know, randomly deciding to mislynch my previous top villageread for no reason

like I don’t think I actually had good reasons to vote you