[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

oh you don’t know how to replace out?

instead of being scum read by everyone at this point

i refuse to have a perfect record of 0 replaces be tarnished

Htm has replaced sulit


oh my god its htm no way


okay so here’s where im at.

i have the worlds stupidest tinfoil and it might just be right. it all has to do with this


Now katze has used :^) 3 times.

Now from what i can tell katze hasn’t used “:^)” in past games.
So the question begs. what does it mean and where did they learn it.

Let’s begin with the latter.

:^) has only been used once this game by someone who is a non-katze. This person? Mist1422. Did katze start using this from scumchat?

Now for what :^) means. I think :^) is a subconcious signal for being disingenuine. Their first post containing it is NAI but gives insight into the meaning. It is used in the context of a joke vote based of something someone said. Im going to conflate it with a light chuckle.

/vote marshal
more posts more interactions. hehe

Now lets fit in the other posts with :^).

and when i flip town what’s your excuse gonna be. hehe.

lets see if im tonight’s nightkill. hehe.

Those are obvious suspicios statments when you plug in the true meaning.

Is this bullshit or genius? that is up for interpertation

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when did he come back wtf

Will anyone explain to me what has happened or will I be forced to lazily quickread the thread?

as you see htm i have improved vastly only using the toppest of teirs of logic and reasoning

okay this is actually the funniest post i’ve ever seen

If htms here im not voting myself i need time to learn from the man the myth the legend

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I revealed as innocent child d2




Hi Htm. You are locktown.
We lynched Mist yesterday, he was scum.
Hippolytus and probably Isaac are our last scum.

lol priestess

just ignore me and marshal and our TvT thunderdome


Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Hippolytus Isaac_Gonzalez, Priestess and Mercenary 2/5
Marshal Katze 1/5
Katze Marshal 1/5
Currently Abstaining Players Tangeld, Htm, Italy, Jeremy_Gonzalez, Hippolytus 5

if me hippo and you are town im literally gonna die