Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

You gave a historical fact

I think it would be funny if you pretended it was a historical fact but it was actually a lie anyway

like if you gave something absurd and watch people nod along anyway

nah It should be real

it’s funnier that way IMO

I think the bio is great but it might need to be a little more joke-explainy for the ppl who don’t know arete

I’m not going to lie to people about historical facts, that would defeat the point

(The relevant passage is Ad Aeneid 9.52, the Latin text is:

PRINCIPIUM PUGNAE hoc de Romana sollemnitate traectum est. cum enim volebant bellum indicere, pater patratus, hoc est princeps fetialium, proficiscebatur ad hostium fines, et praefatus quadam sollemnia, clara voce dicebat se bellum indicere propter certas causas, aut quia socias laeserant aut quia nec abrepta animalia nec obnoxios redderent. et haec clarigatio dicebatur a claritate vocis. post quam clarigationem hasta in eorum fines missa indicabatur iam pugnae principium. [post tertium autem et tricesimum diem quam res repetissent ab hostibus, fetiales hastam mittebant. denique cum Pyrrhi temporibus adversum transmarinum hostem bellum Romani gesturi essent nec invenirent locum, ubi hanc sollemnitatem per fetiales indicendi belli celebrarent, dederunt operam, ut unus de Pyrrhi militibus caperetur, quem fecerunt in circo Flaminio locum emere, ut quasi in hostili loco ius belli indicendi implerent.]

and the translation we’re using it translates it as the following (I have not double-checked for accuracy in translation):

When they wanted to declare war, the pater patratus, that is, the chief of the fetials, would set out for the enemy’s border. There he would speak certain solemn pronouncements, saying in a clear voice that the Romans were declaring war for specific reasons, or because they had harmed allies of Rome, or because they had not returned animals they had stolen or captives they had seized. This is called the clarigatio, from the claritas of his voice. After the clarigatio, a spear is hurled into the enemy’s territory, to indicate the commencement of hostilities. [The fetials throw the spear at any time after the thirty-third day from the one on which they demanded restitution. Finally, when in the time of Pyrrhus the Romans were about to wage war against a transmarinum hostem, an enemy across the sea and could not find a place, where they might perform through the fetials this ritual for declaring war, they compelled one of Pyrrhus’ soldiers, a captive, to buy a plot of land near the circus Flaminius, so that they might fulfill the law of declaring war quasi in hostili loco, as if in foreign territory.]

No, I don’t know why he’s talking about this in what was supposed to be a commentary on the Aeneid)

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i hate it but i also love it

its very you

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seven steps ahead

made necessary changes

i need ideas for my katze class

what you need to do is draw your fake artist drawing boomer

Manual like.



we’re slowly turning italy into its own category

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I found a good quote

“sometimes a hypocrite is just a person in the middle of changing”


anyways I’m tired good night

we’re very lucky that amelia is already hosting several SFoLs queued
because we know they’d make the italy mash just for the meme value

if someone made an italy mash i would be legally obligated to co-host

okay back to this

i have 2 passives and no abilities



oh i forgot to add some sort of compulsive ITA/dayvig

how do i make plane into an ability