Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

dybu dabu will return and save town in mashes


look i’m sorry that was my fault for bad design

We were really unlucky that game.


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ive been an alive town in every mash end-game where town have fucked up horrendously lol

its okay losing if u die early cuz then u just blame the idiots still alive but when u alive u have no one to scapegoat rip


that’s because your power comes from the sheer fear you doing absolutely nothing instills in the opposite allignment, making them fuck up everything

the only thing I fear more than hippo is fear itself


Reminds me that I have to do a presentation on fears and I’ve had no time to work on it.

I suppose I’ll just wing it and improvise for ~10 minutes. And try not to faint from the anxiety.


I’ve gotten pretty good at this, tbh.

display a picture of hippo

don’t say a word

a great demonstration of fear

Oh yes i remember that

PKR pocketed me there.

After that, we basically cleansed the wolf team with ITA`s

No, Town lost.

gh punked us too hard

I get so much homework, I can only assume that the teachers think we don’t work during quarantine. But I still work. My schedule hasn’t changed.

Which means that I get more homework despite the fact I lack the time to adapt. So I have to decide between what I care more/less about and focus on that, trying to “wing it” for the other stuff.

And it’s rather stressful considering exams are this month and I haven’t really prepared myself.
Well. We’ll see what happens…?

Same, but add procrastination to the mix.

I literally cant read PKR because I always disagree with everything he says regardless of alignment.