Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


village play hasn’t regressed at all. In fact I think it’s improved over the last year

it’s just that wolf play has improved from being whatever the fuck we were doing in LoTRFM to what it is now.

and LoTRFM was a good game from wolves too



I just think people don’t try anymore

I haven’t seen a game where everyone has tried yet tbh

Let’s be individually wolfy and harddefend each other.
What could go wrong?


There is always at least two villagers in PoE for not doing anything

Why was the second part added? Seems redundant.

I will say though, the bus d4 (?) was one of the coolest ways to seal the game for the wolves that I’ve ever seen.



Like I thought that game was the perfect example of powerwolfing
and now reading it I realized my posting very obviously sucked

so my recent good wolfgames (BoTF2, Poison) are so much better play IMO

LoTRFM will always have a special place in my heart and probably can never be knocked off of it’s #1 spot

but I don’t think I was as good as I felt at the time.

That was literally accidental TMI in a sense. Arete was scum. Alice was town.

don’t ask me idk wtf I was doing

I agree.

My good wolfgames were… … …?

I know. I was skimming the game because no specchat and a hecking ton of posts (too much to read) and somehow had godlike reads.

it was pretty well-planned

outting you with the public tracker, and planning that out was really fun

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Like, you almost certainly would not be able to figure that out if you were in the game as town, but it’s there and it’s really funny.

omg i realized kyo and marg have the same pfp xD


Vul: scumreads Emilia for stealing hammer on town
Also Vul: steals hammer on town three times in a row later

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looks like orange is trying to climb on the leaderboard though

Marshal: ok so the plan is if boss flips town shoot tele

Emilia; shoots tele after boss flips town

Marshal: Emilia kill town scum kill town dybudabu