Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Why was the second part added? Seems redundant.

I will say though, the bus d4 (?) was one of the coolest ways to seal the game for the wolves that I’ve ever seen.



Like I thought that game was the perfect example of powerwolfing
and now reading it I realized my posting very obviously sucked

so my recent good wolfgames (BoTF2, Poison) are so much better play IMO

LoTRFM will always have a special place in my heart and probably can never be knocked off of it’s #1 spot

but I don’t think I was as good as I felt at the time.

That was literally accidental TMI in a sense. Arete was scum. Alice was town.

don’t ask me idk wtf I was doing

I agree.

My good wolfgames were… … …?

I know. I was skimming the game because no specchat and a hecking ton of posts (too much to read) and somehow had godlike reads.

it was pretty well-planned

outting you with the public tracker, and planning that out was really fun

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Like, you almost certainly would not be able to figure that out if you were in the game as town, but it’s there and it’s really funny.

omg i realized kyo and marg have the same pfp xD


Vul: scumreads Emilia for stealing hammer on town
Also Vul: steals hammer on town three times in a row later

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looks like orange is trying to climb on the leaderboard though

Marshal: ok so the plan is if boss flips town shoot tele

Emilia; shoots tele after boss flips town

Marshal: Emilia kill town scum kill town dybudabu


Give it the ability to convert and kill one player the same night, maybe?

@Marshal if the shipper is loverized with 2 other ppl then how do u become last 2 if u need to kill one of them to become last 2

also one is scum and othe ris town most likely so :thonk:

the shipper isn’t loverized with them and doesn’t gain that wincon

they are just part of the neighborhood

and also 1 guy being scum is intended it’s super bastard to just have a NK in wolfchat but it’s semi-interesting and idk some classes can deconvert anyways

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they can’t out the scumteam because it outs them and the town will just vote those 2 out

aaaa I think I have a 30p mash ready
In a week