Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

she can imperial modkill you :eyes:

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Also literally every Corrupt Emperor has a nightkill

And a Baronet that gets crowned has 2 nightkills

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Two charges of Conspiracy too.
DK actually looks reasonable compared to it.

Honestly Conspiracy would be fine if the nightkill was shared and Baronet just added another one

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but hey, HoB is pretty high power in general

Like this

This is pretty :eyes:

Mods: One alignment is too strong. I recommend you nerf them.
Host: buffs the rest.

also for some reason nobody picked this alt as starting Seeker

When I hosted SFoL and a Seeker randed Wazza picked Fortuneteller, so yeah.

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Duelist’s alt is also glorious.

The virgin Konigsmörd vs the chad

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Ah yes, the one ability that I was fawning over in discord :^)

Gets you free DE
“Confirms” you as Magistrate

The Judge/Magistrate are basically the PRs, tbh.

There’s a good reason why I added the prestige passive.

Yeah that’s fair :eyes:

Would you actually consider hosting it though, Amelia?

Maybe after I finish hosting the other 2 setups and don’t decide to do anything else

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Also Corax Cult theoretically exists somewhere.
Unfinished but still.

Guys its cold. I have to turn my AC off this is bad

ill give you some heat

but you also get the humidity