Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

but hey, HoB is pretty high power in general

Like this

This is pretty :eyes:

Mods: One alignment is too strong. I recommend you nerf them.
Host: buffs the rest.

also for some reason nobody picked this alt as starting Seeker

When I hosted SFoL and a Seeker randed Wazza picked Fortuneteller, so yeah.

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Duelist’s alt is also glorious.

The virgin Konigsmörd vs the chad

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Ah yes, the one ability that I was fawning over in discord :^)

Gets you free DE
“Confirms” you as Magistrate

The Judge/Magistrate are basically the PRs, tbh.

There’s a good reason why I added the prestige passive.

Yeah that’s fair :eyes:

Would you actually consider hosting it though, Amelia?

Maybe after I finish hosting the other 2 setups and don’t decide to do anything else

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Also Corax Cult theoretically exists somewhere.
Unfinished but still.

Guys its cold. I have to turn my AC off this is bad

ill give you some heat

but you also get the humidity

it’s highly conditional

Isn’t it just

“There only has to be 1 cult alive”

technically the devout emperor is still a member of the cult

It also says “or less”

Does that mean the emperor doesn’t count then