Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i think i might have had a reason when i did it but i don’t remember it

so im p sure i just did it for funsies cause i knew i was dying

it was GI there’s a 60% garuntee you will not enjoy it

Is lying by omission still considered lying in such setup.

at least i was a neutral lie detector before it was cool

It would not be

but any lying of any sort = instant modkill

People I cleared as group scum D1-D2.
Alice, Feathering, Mode, Gorta, Katze, AtNoName,Marshal, TBE, Merc,


something is broken

crich just quoted an alice post, and i got a notification for it
and she has my pfp LMFAO

what is happening

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Also Chloe you could probably publicize that spectator chat as well, assuming you are still there?



i’d have to ask vul if hes okay with that


Another excuse for you to slide into his DMs, you are welcome :^)

these ship names are horrifying LMAO

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Hi Chelice :sunglasses:



this is the best one

Being shipped with Alice is kinda cool though.


I think you should sleep now so you can wake up with refreshed likes

the only ship this forum needs is katoe/chat/ansrete

I really do feel half dead.
But there are cool people in this thread.