Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Mmm yes, let me use Forensics to see my own CL visiting someone they killed.
Very convincing :^)

I’d probably just swap my claim if I was converted into Apostle, unless I was already outed.

Forensic the nk kill

unless it’s a basilisk game

I still find it somewhat weird that Coroner is “social” even though it feels more like a watered down investigative.

I think the fact it’s entirely dead interaction makes it social

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Also seeing this is depressing.

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That’s the problem right there chief :^)


Imagine headhunter dying before shooting D:

Also some of those still contain some arguably useful information.
So it wasn’t even a full waste?

Also Echoes of Anstreim has 3 uses so you basically just always spam it

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also have you noticed that literally every social class is Prestige besides Coroner

Yes and I’m quite disappointed about it.

Though, counterpoint – if you get starter Apostle, it makes it easier to fake the Magistrate, unless prestige cap actually spawned.
But then you could push at least 1 ML if you are doing good socially.

Unless said Prestige classes are Cabalists

Coroner with two point alt.
Flip the first Cabalist as some nonsense, then kill off second :^)

First Cabalist just uses Letter with no Sender
Second Cabalist does so on someone else

You can’t kill Mailman Masons :^)

Wait, that’s illegal.

Big brain:

Starting Apostle picks Cabalist alts
One Cabalist dies to nk N1 and has their flip changed
Other Cabalist is converted N1

fucking buff the arbiter it needs more than bypassing visit pr–

wait wrong arbiter

haha arete died

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