SFoL 51 - Cult Chat

If we think it’s Andrej I think we can probably push a mislynch on them anyways.


Nah I just feel like Andrej would be easy to lynch

Just use this.

Okay. Got it.

You should probably come up with some fake Fortuneteller results. To be honest, I’m not totally sure how the actual class actually works? But since you’re outed, you’ll probably be asked for them.

Geyde’s messages in the Imperial chat were as the following.

“I added Kai to let them talk more during the night.”

"I don’t blame your vote.
I blame the fact I didn’t reconsider on Cheeki when they were obvtown from Sulit’s defense.

Like I thought it was missing something, but it wasn’t"

“You because reasons I really don’t want to get into.
Pkr because they were ridiculously lowkey yesterday”


“Just So You Know”

“Insurance because d2 is always the most likely day for there not to be a maj
Limiting scum options basically”

You gain bows upon promoting, right?”

“I’m trying to subtly figure out your role without outing it to the rest of the neighborhood.”

“Tomorrow is optimal massclaim day
So yeah”

“I thought you were Warrior tbh”


Both of you claim as well"

“I wanted to have one person in Log neighborhood to have access to imperial so we could communicate classes easily without having to out them IT yet”

“delete this”

“Since we haven’t flipped any scum yet, I don’t think it’s a great idea atp to do it.”

“Delete this is a common phrase used to connote the user’s utter abhorrence of the comment due to the sheer BME exuding from the post.
Or because it is fucking cursed”

“Use the primary ability that makes someone super strong like Phil Swift on Magnus so he can’t be hit by disruption effects (at least I’m fairly sure he can be hit by them iirc)”

“I thought divest and divulge was crippling somebody the first time I read it, so yeah”

“I’ll keep an eye open for day ability opportunities”

“Shadow the hedgehog”

He pissed”

" That’s right, he took his hedgehog fucking quill-y dick out and he pissed on my fucking"


I’m sorry"

“and I said “That’s disgusting.” so I’m making a call-out post on my Twitter dot com.”

“I’d say otherwise since we are pretty sure it’s Unseen game
That would be smart traditionally, but circumstancially here just yolo it”

“we live in a society”

“and guess what? Here’s what my dong looks like. That’s right baby, all points, no quills, no pillows, look at that it looks like two balls and a bong!”

“That’s right, this is what you get! My super laser piss!”

“PokemonKidRyan could you give me some thoughts on the Dat/Htm interaction, with quotes coming from D1/D2?”

“How do you like that Obama? I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT!”

“Use your own judgement”

“Oh god oh fuck”

"Pkr is hopefully self proving depending on the rolelist

Arbiter should definitely still check Andrej as that slot desperately needs resolving"

BlueStorm is an Investigative-type Class

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So Blue is Governor or Watchman.

…Or Arbiter. Since HTM was apparently the Governer.

One of you should go start a counter-wagon on Andrej.

Blue is Arbiter, damn.

Could still be Watchman.

God that echoes was clutch.

@Alice for the log network

Yeah, I think you’re right that Blue is the Arbiter rather than the Watchman.

I want to take a closer look at Geyde’s messages, PKR’s and Kai’s claims are probably figure-out-able.

What NK is it?

It might be the Ifrit if my theory on Sulit is correct.

More generally, there are only like three NKs that could bypass night immunity at this point, and we know we weren’t the kill on them.

Hang on, actually, update them to read:
Please update my logs to read:

I’m in a log network right now, hence the fact that I seem to be addressing two other people.

Well, since both of you have claimed (with Maxwell obviously being proven), and Wazza’s class looks reasonably hard to fake, I might as well claim as well.
Arete - Socialite
N1 - Magnus and Wazza - no match. I checked Magnus since we were sussing them as MM/CL yesterday, but not so much that an investigation would be a waste. Obviously Shadowy Presence is a thing (a thing I admittedly forgot about) but it’s pretty common for MM’s to claim invest.
N2 - JaketheWolfie and WazzaAzza: checking a null read here.

I was placed in Imperial chat with Geyde, Lymphoma, and PKR night 1; we agreed that Cheeki was acting suspicious.

Maxwell: Mechanically confirmed librarian.

Possessed: Seems like basically locktown, in my opinion, based on their general solvey attitude, their repeated attempts to drive the thread motion forward, and their general attempts at logically justifying their reads, even when I disagree with them.

Sulit: Probably town. I don’t think scum would randomly draw attention to themself for no reason by pushing on the towncore, and being wrong doesn’t make you scum.

Geyde: Seems like a Righteous Emperor so far. Some of his choices for Imperial Nightchat feel a little odd to me, but he’s been acting quite solvey and trying to keep the thread motion going. The pointing out the lack of a counterwagon on Cheeki, then pushing the lynch anyway, was kind of weird.

Magnus: Hardclaiming doesn’t confirm you but I don’t think scum would hardclaim so early and with so little pressure on them.

Wazza: Hardclaiming still doesn’t confirm you but I don’t really see scum outing specifically to hardclaim ‘only one neut’ when that could so easily be disproven, and Fortune Teller is pretty hard to fake.

Pokemon Kid Ryan: I’m going to be honest, this is a gut read more than anything else, but PKR, despite being less active and contributive than some, still feels HoB to me.

Andrej: Null read. The Arbiter is supposed to check them tonight; if they’re still alive they’re not cultseen.

Kai: Null read.

JaketheWolfie: I’m pretty sure they just actually haven’t posted anything.

Bluestorm: Null read, entire Iso consists of four memey posts. Below Captain on this read list because ‘has done things, but those things are memes’ is a worse sign than ‘just hasn’t done anything.’


HTM: I feel like HTM is being substantially quieter than they usually are as Town, though admittedly I haven’t seen their scumgame. Still, the unusual quietness and distinct lack of effort at solving feel scummy to me. Day 2 was a bit better, but I can’t shake the feeling that they’re trying to get towncred by asking people not to hardclaim without actually contributing.

Lymphoma: Are we just going to ignore how they literally claimed Unseen day 1? Frankly, this reminds me a lot of his play in FoL 22, where he was a Warlock. I don’t think he’d draw nearly so much negative attention to himself if he were Cultseen/NK, but I think it’s very likely that he’s a scumneut once again. They were a little better in night chat, but I don’t want to give them a free pass for literally outing as evil.

Datbird: I still don’t like his Iso – almost all fluff, very little actually contributing content. He did in fact at some point give a readlist but other than that I’m not seeing much in the way of attempts to solve, which given his post count there should be more than zero of. I think Datbird/Andrej is a potential scumteam, given how quickly he came in at the end when it looked like Andrej might be the lynch.


Invite Blue

Fuck fuck fuck we fucked up

How so?..