Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

If we didn’t kill both dat and chloe by the end of the day that one of them received the mod powers, if and when both of them were dead, the powers would pass over us entirely and just go to the NK if the NK was still alive

The only way we were getting the powers were one of three cases:

  1. Both dat and chloe are dead by the end of the day that one of them activates the power, or anytime earlier than that.
  2. We don’t satisfy 1, but by the time dat and chloe are dead, modeshifter is already dead.
  3. We don’t satisfy 1 or 2, but later kill ModeShifter; at that point, the powers presumably come to us.

So yes mode trumped us for the mod powers since we didn’t kill chloe fast enough.

that is

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I don’t know
The previous mod used all the unban uses, but the mod powers list no limit on ban uses

and wolves had an RB or had reasonable doubt of anyways so like even if she could I could just RB her all game and was planning on doing so because if I RB a maf and they do factional on bot I lose.

and I wouldn’t be caught by her

although she made it sound like she couldn’t ban at night


idk i’d ask arete they were hostyperson

im dying

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was alice able to ban someone at night after the final 6?

The mod can ban at night
Alice was the mod. She got the modship when geyde died.
Again, she killed dat.

i’m going to ask anyways

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i still want to know what the xblade rolecard looked like

and even if she could I was always going to RB her anyways

if you said this to me today i’d nonstop push for my own lynch to be honest

old katze was a bit less CE

you never flipped


get loopholed

i still forced you to chug hotsauce

yeah because i decided i wanted to win the game

but like

it hurt

because i really wanted to flip that game

but then i accidentally won f3 lylo

fuck that last post is actually you realizing that i was town wasn’t it


she gained the ability to ban people once either all mod candidates were dead, or a living moderator died

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And the ban ability had infinite uses @Arete?

if it makes you feel better marshal still had to chug a bottle of hot sauce because i wasn’t W/W with jake


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