Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

you will also be able to communicate about the game outside of the game like in ToLFM

Ily bitch

are we allowed to ask the host to post a false classcard in their actual classcard PM so we can fake roles though


does it depend on how much the host likes us


stealing this from an AMA thread as a more general question

i don’t think i have an answer to this question that i’d want to say publicly on the forums?

like it’s either gonna be depressing or private


there needs to be a hydra game where the hydras are made up of one person on multiple alts

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4 person hydra
but they’re actually all the same person

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quickly let us infiltrate champs with it

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right before your eyes

to discord we go

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watch us multiply

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Ironically this is a question that I’ve already indirectly answered by making a statement to you before.
And then you refuted it.

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come to claim our rights
it’s time


my memory is significantly better than everybody around me’s, even if I’m no longer the smartest person in the room all the time, and it drives me utterly insane that I have to listen to people have the literal exact same conversation I have seen them have before

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persona 5 flavor
hydra game where you can only hydra with your own alts

kat what is your favorite trait about yourself, personality-wise?

do I need to send you some :eyes: reactions

I mean I can repeat it in DMs if you want me to

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