Lazy Heirs and Cursed Servants [Interest Check turned Signups] (4/4)

Well, think about it this way: the CL can use magic, and probably has spies in the castle.
Perhaps as a Support type to the servants (Oh, the irony!) by smuggling in poisons and magical items.
Likewise, we could have a Paladin that tries to prevent these from getting in, too.

Is Paladin for Cult?

Or maybe Guards?

But anyway, maybe the next game, we could try a Cult Leader

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And anywya, Cult Leader was the first thing I pulled out of my ass. It could just be a sorcerer or something.

servants must do what their liege commands them, but must they only do what their liege commands?

No, they don’t.

@Simon are you joining in or nah?

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By my count, we just need 1 more person to join.

Trust me, Hail will 100% join.
i’ll make him

Have you already decided which slot gets which class, or you gonna ask people for their preference?

This is an awesome RP setting

Let me take the last spot.


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So guys. You got your preferences in yet?

Hey magnus, do you know how to do that time signature thing?

Synchronised Clocks?

Yeah that

Yeah I do.