Legends of Merathia (A D&D campaign)[Chapter Six: Manhunt]

Thats just your word tho, I could say the exact same thing.

go to discord

(Am I in?)

(Possibly, we just need to make sure James is dropping, you can join when they reach Nesseltein, which shouldn’t take too long)

Val staying with Jeoffrey until the journey ends

The express reaches Nesseltein after a couple of hours, James decides to go somewhere else

@PolikShadowbliss you’re in

so Jeoffrey now what?

They meet a tall lizard man sprawled on the floor, clad in a jester’s costume, seemingly drunk.

val blinks 3 times hello

“Huh? Who’s talking?”
The lizardman looks up. Tongue sticking out.
“Oohhhhhh. People. People are staring at me! Oh this is bad.”

umm I may sound rude. but what are you?

“Me? I am lizardfolk. What? You have never seen a lizardfolk before? That is indeed quite odd.”
She looks around at the group.
“What are you? Some sort of adventuring squad?”

mmm sorta

He slowly gets up and blinks his red eyes, looking at the group.
He grabs his bagpipe and does a deep bow.
“Ixen at your service. World-wide entertainer and master of fire. And you are?”

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I glare we already have a singer

“I don’t sing. I play the Bagpipes!”

He plays a tune.

well nice to meet you ixen I am val

Welcome Val to the land of ---- some word I can’t quite remember ----

its Merathia.

Aw yes. That.
He takes a swing of ale.
You want some?