I do believe the elf will figure it out. it is unwise to believe she won’t figure it out
“Well if we don’t know Valder killed him, how can we be responsible?”
is that ment to convice them? I fear that won’t work
“What if we ‘accidentally’ nudged him into let’ssss say… A hoard of Ankheg, did we technically murder him then?”
Is everything… all wight Valder?
Grimm chuckles
The party leaves the woods
The party eventually reaches Greesha
at long last we have reached Greesha. we must find Graffi. and remember that is his name not Siegfried
Valder: He can call himself whatever he wants, he’s still Siegfried
do you have any idea where Siegfried would be?
We should search the whole town
then let us begin begins to search looking for Siegfried
Valder walks off in a direction
is following Valder
walks away
“Ssssome time alone for myssself ssshould be beneficial”
"Um… I’ll look for that place! What is it, Rusty Knife? Come on, Grimm! "
Rina pulls Grimm off to one direction
The Rusty Knife is fairly easy to find, Val loses Valder amidst the crowds
Walking around the town trying not to draw too mcuh attention
dam it I can’t lose him searchs for Valder