Legends of Merathia (A D&D campaign)[Chapter Six: Manhunt]

Now inside of the Rusty Knife, what does it look like? Who do we see around us?

It’s a small inn, there is an elf woman at a counter, at the back there are some tables and chairs, and a sign saying “No Food Yet”


is still looking Valder

Val cannot find Valder

interesting asks some people on the streets if they have seen Valder or Graffi

Assuming val gives descriptions, one of them points to a back alley when given a description of Graffi

“So, Rina. What are 've doing in 'zis inn? Vhy did you drag me here?” (@Damafaud)

why would Graffi be in the alley?

Person: I don’t know I just saw him go that way

how long ago?

The person shrugs

Val does a insight check to tell if he is lying

(Also to this Grimm made some bad pun about how he rocks)

He’s not lying

(I got a 18 on my check if that changes anything)

He’s still not lying

Val enters the alley with extreme caution

The Alley is a dead end, except for a single side door

I should report what I have seen Val go’s around town until I get to the Rusty Knife