Less death immunity piercing

killing abilities that do not bypass death immunity:

-cold steel
-puppet strings
-whatever alch’s potion is called

killing abilities that do bypass death immunity:

-consume darkness
(this is only kind of one) drunk removing death immunities

tell me if I missed any

are you complaining sacrifice pierces night immunity ?
are you complaining execute pierces night immunity ?

If you take out the bleeds and poison you have like 2 things on your list …


In any case, it means death immunity is becoming less and less worth anything, like in ToS.

this is mostly a warning to people to stop suggesting classes that can pierce death immunity.

Its not though is it , its a list of stuff that doesn’t pierce night immunity , mixed in with a bunch of stuff that does …

Of the ones that bypass, 4 of them are delayed kills that can be prevented by an Alch or Phys heal, so they aren’t really stronger than killing at night, so much as they are different.

You’re also including sacrifice which is kind of unfair since it’s not really an attack you use to kill an enemy. And including execs isn’t really fair either, it would make no sense to have an exec immune class.

So that leaves empowered erad, empowered reap, Enforcer frenzy, and Drunk’s ability. All of them except empowered Reap requires comboing 2 players to pull off, and Frenzy and empowered erad are mutually exclusive and cannot both exist in the same game.

Seems fine to me.

If your position is that new death immunity should not be added lightly, I agree, but your title of 'Less death immunity’ seems to suggest there is too much already, which I disagree with.

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As long as the night Immunity piercing attacks are harder to use than it is fine right now.

Consume - Costs 2 souls

Nightshade/Rapture - 4 use and delayed

Bear - 3 use and a counter not an attack

Wolf - 2 use and delayed

Execute - 3 use and risky

Sacrifice - practically 1 use and kills the user too

Drunk - 2 use and doesn’t attack

Empowered - 2 use and requires Ritualist

Berzerk - 1 use and requires enforcer.

So bear is a problem because it bypasses night immunity when YOU attack the hunter? Is this a troll thread???

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my point is that it is already at a point where it is not so much death immunity as it is “immunity to half the forms of death at night”

Well the Knight’s sacrifice kills the Knight, so I think that’s kinda fair.

Even if we could agree on what should and should count to work out the ratio of what immunity does and doesn’t block, you haven’t really made an argument on what the information means. Why is it bad if the percentage is over 50%? What do you think the percentage should be? Why do you think that? What evidence are you using to reach that conclusion?

If the percentage of killing abilities that pierce death immunity is at 50%, then death immunity should really be called “Death immunity to some things”

So you feel death immunity should be reworded to make it more clear that it only effects normal night attacks?

I agree, and think a lot of things should be more clear. There isn’t even an indication of basic stuff that’s very important, like how Allies is a visit, but Guard isn’t.