The Protector (Neutral Killing)
Passive 1:Strong Defender-Immune to death at night from anything except the Destroyer. Implies bleeding ect.
Passive 2-Forever Alertful-Immune to occupation and redirection.
Night ability 1-Defend-Knights sacrifice expect you don’t die from it. (Cool down of 1 night)
Night ability 2-Coldsteel-Coldsteel someone, if they are a BD this goes on a cool down for two nights.
Goal:Live to see the BD WIn
Ironic as a neutral killer.
The Destroyer (Neutral Support)
Passive 1-Destruction-Immune to death and occupation and redirection.
Passive 2-Know who the evils are and talk to them at night.
Day ability-Get out of my way-Your ability will kill anyone tonight. Does not bypass immunity ect.
Night ability 1-Seek The Good-Determine if a person is a defender of good. (Determines if a person is A physician ,Defender, Court wizard, or a Alch) infinite uses
Night ability 2-Destroy the good-Kill a person if they are a defender of good. (Infinite uses if they aren’t a defender goes on a cool down of one night)
Goal:Live to see Unseen/Cult win!
OPPISITE of sorc?