[Lore Suggestion] Physician

In a Stitch
One of the many features that Adiart was known for was the mysterious forest that surrounded the old castle. The trees stood with glorious power with their longs branches and the hundreds of leaves enveloping them. The diverse wildlife danced and roamed with freedom having nobody watching them…. most of the time. Although the forest had its beauty, most of the citizens of Adiart stayed away from it because of questionable rumors. These ranged from the area being surrounded by deadly Nightshade to the creatures living there attacking any visitor that gets themselves lost. There were only a small few that disregarded such gossip. One of them was the local Physician.

This man’s true identity wasn’t not known as he hid his features with a bird-like mask. The rest of his head was covered by a cowl making sure he was completely anonymous. He was afraid of the attention that would be given to him if his true face was revealed. Wearing the mask while he healed patients from injuries and poison made the Physician feel like a completely different man. A man that was much more brave. He gathered his ingredients and materials in the forest weekly. He never usually had any trouble collecting plants and silk for bandages until an unexpected encounter occurred.

One night, the Physician was on his usual route to collect ingredients for a healing potion when he heard a loud scream from a distance. The sound followed with groans of agonizing pain. The masked man ran toward where he suspected the noises were located. After a little bit, he saw the Hunter of the Woods lying down on blood-stained grass. The Physician took note of this and walked toward the injured man to locate the site of blood loss. What he discovered was a deep cut in the chest on the Hunter’s body. More blood poured out as the wounded man screamed in pain.

“Th-th-this pain! I don’t know how much time I have left!” shouted the Hunter. “It’s too late to help… me.”

The injured man faded into unconsciousness. The Physician checked for his pulse to find any sign of life. The pulse was very weak; he had to make his move. The masked man grabbed a bottle of plant oil from his sash and poured it into the wound to prevent infection. Next, he took a bundle of thread and a needle to sew the cut. Finally, he removed a piece of gauze and surrounded his patients torso to cover the stitch. He carried the patient back to his tent to observe him while he recovered.

The next morning, the Hunter woke from his slumber surprised at where he was located. He was still aching from his wound, but he was not on death’s scythe anymore.

“Doc, I can’t believe you saved me. I owe you some fresh meat from my catches.” thanked the Hunter.

The Physician shook his head not wanting to receive a reward for doing his job. He looked into the patients chest once more.

As if he read the healer’s mind, the Hunter explained what happened. “Last night, I was trying to hunt for a wolf that’s only active during the night when I saw this cloaked figure. I blinked my eyes and they vanished. The next thing I knew, I felt massive pain and couldn’t stand. If it weren’t for you, I would have become just like the dirt, lifeless and meaningless."

The silent healer had a sense of fear in his eyes. Why would anyone go out in the middle of the night and attack a stranger? He pushed the thought aside and gestured the patient out of the tent. As they exited, the Hunter turned to the Physician with a grin on his face.

“Thank you. If our fates are intertwined, then we’ll meet again.” The patient walked away into the local market nearby. Although it was highly unlikely, the Physician had a feeling that they will indeed meet again.

The main point of this lore is to show how a shy man can turn into a hero through his methods of healing. I tried to reflect the style of the rest of the lore which I have not really been used to. I am surprised that one of the most important classes in Throne of Lies doesn’t have lore yet, so why not create lore for him? I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy thinking of it.


Imo you should make it so that phys got hurt in the forest so he wears a mask now

This is the first lore suggestion I’ve seen in a while.

Hah! Don’t be silly. Hunters can’t die.

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That’s what my parents said when my cat went missing.

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Hah. Don’t be silly cats don’t die either. They just get board and leave.

They become magical boards and fly away?

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Wow that’s cool! I thought you just misspelt bored.

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Well technically they just stand on one. But it’s really the same thing

Don’t be silly. I have perfect spelling.

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Of course that was silly of me I apologize from the bottom of my heart.

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Or he is just ugly?

Hey, maybe there is an ugly scar on his face that made him shy. It’s up for interpretation

maybe hes actually a birb

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i ship it ! also its so obvious that physician is SCP 049 pretty nice though

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If this turns out pretty well, then maybe I will make lore for the Herbalist as well :wink:

I was saying that CLEARLY SCP-049 is Herbalist.

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Oh, never heard of that term before 0-0