Story telling, from the Master Mind’s perspective.
"He would not have been allowed in if the blue dragon were not at danger to us.
"You see, he was exiled for treason, perhaps the only person decided to be guilty and not executed, because of the lack of evidence. The people who got him exiled claimed that he joined the cult, as evidence by his traps that kill by causing blood loss; additionally, they claimed that he had not once caught a cultist.
“In truth, he had; she was bleeding out as they convicted him. He probably could have pointed this out, but the hunter was deeply religious, and believed this was the destiny laid before him.”
"He was not religious like the blue dragon, however; his beliefs were closer to worshiping the forest spirits
than the blue dragon’s gods. For others who were less one with nature, being exiled was a death sentence; not for the hunter.
“Perhaps his difference in religion contributed to his being exiled; maybe, instead of sparing him, they were expecting him to die gruesomely in the woods.”
“The lessen is that the hunter is formidable. He would be a great addition to our plight.”