LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

or do factional, and have arete do something else

Hippoā€™s getting invited to chat

and Ginger scouted Vul on the theory that if you visit Vul, and the scout trips, youā€™ll be outed

ah, i see

am i gonna be tracked by hippo too?

Thatā€™s the public plan

I think we basically need to figure out who wonā€™t be protected, kill them, have Vul hammer like you wanted, and take majority tomorrow with your doublevote


meanie :frowning:

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New theory that just occurred to me: Hja is the ringbearer (this is not the new part), and the supposed Masonry is in fact the result of some sort of ringbearer ability (like the HoB Arbiterā€™s Entrust).

Mostly because an Obs + Mason would be kind of a weird class.

so I guess Iā€™m claiming redirector
time for a new fake log

are you sure me stealing hammer wins us the game?

i have a plan to steal it and claim i miscounted the votes

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i think iā€™m 100% performing the factional tonight unless we think marshal should do that because of his factional passive

I think Iā€™m going to use Rend on Hippo

one thing iā€™m worried about is getting killed by the ringbearer but even if that happens i get a conversion off so you can win in exactly the same way as you said before
youā€™re still gonna have 3 members and the ability to quickhammer with marshalā€™s doublevote

all we need is to mislynch today and for both kills to succeed
it doesnā€™t matter who we kill the kills just have to succeed
which means we absolutely have to target the unprotected

whoā€™s gonna be unprotected again
hippo will be in neighborhood chat
ginger is there
hja is gonna be jailkept most likely
that leaves sulit, squid and derps

we have to kill two of sulit/squid/derps to win the game unless they quickhammer before we do.
we need to be very coordinated to make sure this doesnā€™t backfire and out the entire scumteam

and i 100% have to get the hammer for this to work

Iā€™m pretty confident itā€™s Hja both for the reasons Iā€™ve said before and by sheer PoE

N2 the Ringbearer slept peacefully, which eliminates Derps and Hippo for sure

quickhammering might be impossible if iā€™m asleep at the time, same thing with getting hammer today
which means iā€™m strongly considering openwolfing; marshal could randomly give one of the first voters a doublevote at l-2, then i hammer because i will be the first person who knows this

@Luxy @Geyde if Marshal gives a doublevote to someone who is already voting, will their existing vote count as 2 or do they have to place a new vote?

i wanted to do this trick for such a long time and right now it might actually work if luxy/geyde confirms it