LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

Trust me, I know the pain of being scumread as any alignment for hedginess :upside_down_face:

I spent basically the entirety of my last town game being scumread by a decent proportion of the players

I think we shouldnā€™t worry that much.

Set can make himself look townie
Arete is consensus townread
I am being townread
Dat is nullread, but can change that
Vul is scumread, but if shot by Alice is now an IC

Iā€™m going to laugh if Vul ends up getting dayvigged and surviving, which ā€¦ presumably he will?

More push on Solic coming very soon.

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@Luxy when does hammerer of mordor decide who to kill? How long do they have to decide? is it instant?

etc. etc.

After the lynch. It is instant, and they shoot as soon as they are online.

Night continues regardless from day end.

Having a think about it, I think Solic put on the appearance of distancing and pushing Kai hard in order to get towncred since Kai was rapidly reaching consensus scumread with or without Solicā€™s push during the early stages of the lynch phase. Thus, scumteam cut their losses with Kai and tried to benefit off of it by misleading through association, one of the resuting benefits being solidifying Solicā€™s position in townreads. Itā€™s worked pretty well, but a closer look shows that quite a few of Solicā€™s reads on Kai are weak, forced, or cold/safe takes.

Earlier on:

This is forced. Kaiā€™s criticism here doesnā€™t make sense, considering that trying to get the hammer doesnā€™t require you to have control of the thread, as seen by Derpsā€™ current behaviour.

So, one of Solicā€™s read posts on Kai was pretty much entirely forced/weak, aside from the Antarctic take that Kaiā€™s lack of a follow-up on Boss was scummy. Thereā€™s very little else that directly deals with Kai besides the below:

Some nice shitposting and scum theatre distancing Solic and Kai as Kai gets closer to consensus scumread. Just as flimsy as Solicā€™s reads on Kai.

As for Solicā€™s response to my ISO:

Not a response.

Youā€™ll have to enlighten me on how Iā€™m doing it, because Iā€™m not seeing it.

I have to agree with the big Ici quote I put in the ISO, especially their assessment of your posting personality. You most definitely are passive-agreesive, and your interpretations of quite a few posts have been wack.

I made a comment on the change in style in the post. Sure, your double exclamation mark could be a typo, but that doesnā€™t mean that post didnā€™t have a different style. Nice work ignoring the other half of the read.

Besides, microreads based on miniscule changes in the setting out of text posts seems pretty normal around here. Iā€™d say my read of this post is not a microread, and the premise is as valid as much as othersā€™ style-based reads are valid.

Kai turning out to be scum doesnā€™t change how forced that read was, and it doesnā€™t clear you. See the beginning of this post.

Not seeing it. Itā€™s more than plausible for scum to be unhappy about town being stupid and messing up game balance early. Canā€™t remember who it was, but there was someone talking a while back about how annoying it is for scum to face a town who isnā€™t putting up a challenge.

Being upset about a game going lopsided is mostly NAI anyway, unless town is expected to never be frustrated by dumb shit happening which would be weird.

Not a response.

Iā€™ll be sure to keep it monosyballic for you if I get around to it.

Thank you for appreciating how revolutionary my take is.

So what? How is restating my central conclusion a defence? Are you saying that the concept of trying too hard to seem town while scum and failing is impossible?

I went and had another look to see if you did actually elaborate on your Dat townread, but couldnā€™t find it. Could you point it out for me?

Still waiting on this. By Solicā€™s own metrics this is scummy.

This was just about what I was expectingā€”deflecting concerns by making fun of the accuser while barely engaging with the arguments.

Iā€™d appreciate it if you dropped this holier-than-thou attitude that youā€™ve displayed towards me in our interactions so far. I know Iā€™m a newb, but I donā€™t enjoy being talked to like Iā€™m lesser and having my arguments dismissed out of hand because I dared to try to contribute an ISO/read in the little time I have afterā€”shockerā€”you asked me to do some work and after I got mildly scumread for low activity which was mostly beyond my control.

Thoughts on this?

I would cut this part, it looks defensive.

Will do that.

I dont know what the fuck that means.

Single syllable.

Just being prickish back at him.

Replaced it with ā€œbecause I dared to try to contribute an ISO/read that questioned your holy town status.ā€

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Iā€™m very amused by Kittenā€™s choice of hammerer.

Nice pocket, Marshal.


T E N C H A R A C H T E R s

There we go. Hopefully the content is quality at this point :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™m going to go push back against some of the points in it, and I want you to argue with me (you donā€™t need to accuse me of being evil, just of being wrong), is that okay with you?

I lobbed an easy question, too.

for balance

becuase letting it simmer and then having solic get to it is not good news

Yeah. I wonā€™t be on for the next half an hour though so thereā€™ll be a short delay.