LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

Don’t claim the occupy.

of course lol, that’d be dumb.

Well you actually tried, which is a few dozen steps up from Alice/astand’s analysis.

Feels like Alice is really pushing this hardclaim, which feels weird, like she’s putting up a sign going “claimvig me now pls”.

I don’t think we claimvig Alice today, she’s being scumread by enough people and we can, you know, redirect her.

Yeah. It’s just weird that she’s baiting so hard when she stands very little from a claimvig on her missing.

Seems like she’s just genuinely mega pissed off right now.

how did this even happen we did nothing to accomplish this
i didn’t even get vigged lmao

Alice has basically suicided her towncred lol pretty funny

wait are you actually

> be Arete
> tunnel Alice for bizarre backwards towncred, planning to push mislynches on other people
> people actually scumread Alice
> ???

Look I’m going to delete those posts blow so we don’t have issues when this thread becomes public after the game

Fair enough.

I can imagine an expert in heuristics coming in and just being completely baffled by some of the reads here.

In the main thread, that is.

ifojafae i didn’t read those posts please tell me what was in them and then delete

Vul, they weren’t important.

ten characters :c

i’m sad now but whatever
sod is good for us let’s keep it up

If someone wants to argue with my very bad attempt at VCA that would be great

also tfw i faked a derpclear again