LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

rage post draft coming up

Alright, wasnā€™t expecting that flip. I was goddamn sure about it.

You know what though, Iā€™m losing track of whatā€™s going on. Itā€™s not nice to log in, see I was wrong and then get a bunch of utterly flimsy and arbitrary bullshit directed at me that makes basically no sense. Sorry if itā€™s my newness intruding here, but these reads are based on practically nothing and they look like deliberate misconstructions or paranoia. In short, itā€™s awful and I donā€™t get the mindset behind them.

What is this? How is one sentence overexplanation? What am I supposed to do, flip votes on a dime or sheep? Seems like a bit of a catch-22 here. Multiple people have done justifications just as short (or ā€˜longā€™, as youā€™d call it for some reason) as that when changing their votes with no suspicion.

I am really interested in hearing what you think wouldnā€™t be a scummy way of changing my vote, because right now it looks like no matter what I did you would still be scumreading me on barebones misconstructions.

Excuse me, what?

Are you actually reading my posts? Itā€™s right there, bolded, and Iā€™ll bold it again: I read Kaiā€™s posts. Did you expect that I just randomly guess Kaiā€™s spot on the town-scum spectrum and post with 100% certainty on the spot from a skimread of their posts?

Okay guys, Iā€™ll see you later since Iā€™ve got to write my doctoral thesis Why Kai was a very mild scumlean, by STB" which will use up all of my daily FM time until D234 to justify an offhand read which probably wonā€™t matter anyway since some people here clearly donā€™t bother to read posts properly let alone.

Can you actually put effort into your reads?

Youā€™d probably like that, considering that no one knows whatā€™s going on with your mechanics right now.


idk how to do coloured text :frowning:

inb4 Alice ā€œstb outed lmaoā€.

Iā€™ll talk about it in the morning. Right now Iā€™m pissed and need sleep.

At least sheā€™s getting consistent.

Just stop. Your credibility is going down the drain and your evidence is based on not actually reading words properly.

/vote Rohan @Luxy @Geyde @Priestess

Letā€™s actually try and get some decent information and reads going today and drop the superiority complexes.

i like your posts so much
i would like them as either alignment this game

Thoughts on that?

I think writing it might have been more for the catharsis than actually posting it.

Donā€™t bring Oedipus Rex here smh

sm3 my 3head

gonna post it in a mo

i think your post is good but you should follow it up with a bunch of reads and analysis in the next post

if you set up a bunch of good reads and analysis you can push it later in the day

problem is itā€™s late at night and i gotta sleep.

But Iā€™ll say in the post that Iā€™ll have more stuff coming later.

pat pat timezones are bad
i think itā€™s fine if you post that analysis later in the day you just have to write reads and analysis and then push them
thatā€™s something you have to do, Kai didnā€™t and it got him killed

yep, Iā€™ve learned that pretty quickly :stuck_out_tongue:

Dat should do that as well
iā€™m pushing him for now but I intend to get off his case eventually

sounds good.

Iā€™m going to stick around to see if I can catch Aliceā€™s reaction than sleeeeeep

lmao all chatter stops when i roll up

youā€™re scary STB

It takes a while to eat concrete walls

Canā€™t even write ā€œnom nom nomā€ because the forum apparently needs you to write a complete sentence to post lol.

FoL grammar nazis confirmed

new kid on the block smashing shit up

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