LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

Don’t know if this is a good idea, but one thing to point out is that Hja claimed Masons with a repeatedly-claimed Lost Wolf

@Luxy does claiming what your hammer passive does qualify as ability claiming for claimvig purposes?

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i’m getting on Dat’s wagon
there’s no saving him if he doesn’t do it himself

Everyone has realized Dat hasn’t done much this game and after that method worked on Kai they’re gonna do it again
that’s not something we can dissuade them from. what matters is the lynch after Dat because that’s still up in the air
only Dat can defend himself here with a bunch of good posts or craziness like my EoD1 astand tunnel which seemed to work

as much as I dislike bussing and still want Dat to resolve
nobody’s gonna do that for him
he has to do it himself, we can help him with his posts here but it has to happen quickly


Come exist, you are getting lynched if you do not come exist

also Dat absolutely has to poison someone right now i think

either poison someone for real or fake poison one of us

If I can finish up work stuff (or at least start work stuff) I think there’s a wagon-based analysis that could actually maybe save him and evidence suggests that I’d normally distance here

can you point me toward it
maybe I could try to build a foundation

Dat, claim something like town jailkeeper or some shit

Literally no one is counterarguing against the wagon when the Solic kill suggests a competent scumteam, on my phone right now so I can’t look up VC

Wait im here whats going on, sorry my boss took me out for lunch snce its my second to last day on the job.

you’re the top wagon and you have to clear yourself
i’m on your wagon because if i don’t vote on a wagon that flips scum again it’s going to become a pattern
that said i think you’re capable of stopping that wagon if you start playing like town
that means contributing, reading, and offering stuff beneficial to town

ok im catching up now,

they’re mostly going after each other which is good
but set and dat need to post more and better
i think the other three on our team are doing fine right now. it might change but right now, we’re ok

need help making reads list, don’t really know what to say about u arete, and marshal any ideas.

the thing is, you’ve been mostly doing nothing this entire game so you probably need a hot and new take.
i’m not sure if a readlist is a hot/new take unless it leads to a conclusion. you would need to bring something unique to the table no matter how you read us
i wouldn’t recommend pushing any one of us right now, so you can put us as townreads or townleans or something
people fully expect you to do some reading and analysis and push some scumreads people can actually vibe with, so you can’t do it on us because if you do it well one of us is going to get lynched or forced to get out of a tough spot which is inconvenient for us

basically what i’m saying is
don’t label us super scum and instead try to find a few other ‘scum’ and make an argument for them, then try to vote them
you need to look like you care about the gamestate and who gets lynched, so you should probably comment on the events that have happened and try to bring unique takes throughout.

If the thing you’re looking for is ‘unique’ as a take, you could pick someone who’s acting different, point to Derps’s softs about the presence of a converter, and accuse them of being converted

and don’t be afraid to put us as townreads especially since using SF as meta you have a meta of distanciness