LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

nah keeping everyone on their toes

going for that towncred by not stealing hammer :slight_smile:

the important fact is that you didnā€™t get lynched or vigged, we mislynched two town on Rohan and I have the hammer
so that went much better than expected


just memeing with ginger

ye it did. now itā€™s damage control time to stop me from getting lynched tomorrow

also Iā€™m gonna claim town JOAT later who gets ability uses on hammer

I was really considering getting it myself for an extra use of claimvig.

since you were nowhere to be seen :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™m not sure youā€™re gonna live long enough to use all claimvigs
if it looks like you will, weā€™re gonna try to give you hammer

Iā€™ve only got one use left and Iā€™ll probably use it D3.

oh yeah you claimvigged every day
yup, would be good to give you more uses
but Arete needs to hammer tomorrow so

hopefully on chiang before he can give out his results from parity cop abilities.

itā€™s all g weā€™ve got plenty of night kill abilities anyway.

I would use it on Derps as soon as he gets a fake redcheck on someone
then we can mislynch his target

You havenā€™t used Slaughter yet right?

Iā€™m using it tonight
we can kill 3 people if one of you does the factional

epic gamer move incoming

I think my factional kill passive is not as useful as Areteā€™s or Marshalā€™s, so Iā€™ll probably settle for occupying Chiang or Simon.

Iā€™ll wait for everyone to get on tomorrow though.

My factional kill passive will be especially useless now that a town defender is ded lol