LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

I think I’m gonna attack bluestorm with my one shot and claim I vigged him ‘because Ici somehow flipped town’ if it comes to that

the skeleton is remote, meaning it doesn’t count as a visit
I think it’d be better for me to kill hippo with it and Arete kills FK but I’m open to debate

It’d definitely be good to kill blue since it’ll get me a fair bit of towncred.

also I’m almost 100% convinced that ‘husks’ are lost wolves or potential lost wolves
I’m using the ability to find them D3 and if I find someone with it we’re not killing them I think

No one’s questioned Arete’s theory that Alice was coaching me, which is weird considering I rageposted at her before she got kicked, and when blue flips town I’ll look pretty green.

Wait, when did Derps start bleeding?

d1 I think

When’s he going to die again? D3 or D4?

I don’t know how days are calculated for bleeds/poisons.

he should die tonight if he doesn’t get healed
but he probably will get healed if arete’s theory about healing in FK’s neighborhood is correct
I think Derps was supposed to be invited to it n2

Should I occupy the possible healer then (after discussions from the rest of us of course).

It was ginger who said they’d heal, right?

i think derps should live and give us his falsified check

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/use Skeleton on Firekitten
/use Slaughter on BlueStorm
these are my actions rn

i think we’re better off just killing them (and possibly Hippo as well), then pushing Rivendell d3 and getting Arete to hammer

i can hippo kill

and claim i used my “ability”

simon or maxi are also good options

simon is a vig with guilt based on his claim
we could get him to shoot a town

maxi is uh… i’m not sure if he claimed. iirc he said his hammer is pretty good
would kill, but not tonight. maybe next night

Maxi is the slankvig, I think