LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

if he gets a redcheck on hja the day is going to be hilarious

imagine if he checked me again and got the opposite result
ā€˜when was vulgard framedā€™

which is why we need to clean hippo

arete is performing the factional so thatā€™s handled for us
we are informed about the true flip, right?

It doesnā€™t actually say we are :thinking:

@Luxy Do we get cleaned classcard?

Tomorrow Iā€™m going to push the narrative that the wolves are probably hiding in the people who werenā€™t on either town wagon.

you think you can successfully push the narrative that scum wouldnā€™t be on a town wagon?

Specifically the narrative that since the wagons were TvT, scum are probably in the people who were basically content with either wagon.

But i was basically content with either wagon :frowning:

You were pushing the Chiang wagon though, so you at least have an excuse

oh thatā€™s what you mean
i thought you would be like ā€˜well iā€™m sure scum werenā€™t voting either top wagon yesterdayā€™ when both top wagons were town (and itā€™ll be confirmed if blue flips)

that would be a huge derp (shoutout to @ Derps)

also i was saying they were svs and theyā€™re both gonna flip town
iā€™m gonna act panicky and self-deprecating

also ngh i was just reminded that i quit this forum for a year while i was in aafm and i had a really powerful town class that game
i got modkilled and i still feel bad for it

thereā€™s a lot of options i can push tomorrow because iā€™m gonna be like ā€˜i was wrong about everythiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingā€™

and i might just tunnel a random town while panicking

so uh yeah
marshal diversions fk
stb occupies bluestorm
i slaughter bluestorm and send a skeleton to fk
arete factional kills hippo

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i think thatā€™s the final plan isnā€™t it

oh i divert fk?


the thing is i donā€™t want fk to be healed i want him to 100% die

and i think claimvigging chiang at the start of d3 is a good play