LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

Yes he can

and iā€™ve also realized our plans to clear dat and to clear kai have both horrendously failed so maybe thatā€™s why weā€™re not planning anything anymore

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This was the closest thing I had to a plan draft from earlier, obviously some things have changed but I think itā€™ll work with some modifications.

right now it looks more like weā€™re mislynching ici

since i managed to spin the thread in that direction and i doubt a cfd will happen
also we can kill 3 people if i get hammer, not 2
i still have my oneshot kill

I think the biggest thing we need to change about what weā€™re doing right now is to bus each other less

our goal is not to get towncred, our goal is to get town dead :upside_down_face:

and also since i disabled the ring iā€™m not afraid of attacking the strongest town players tonight. if any of them is the ringbearer they wonā€™t benefit from the ring
so if itā€™s someone like hippo or fk weā€™re safe

Apologies for the terrible pun

it wasnā€™t terrible, i love puns, shush

i donā€™t think i bussed any of you which was a mistake

Iā€™d rather mislynch Blue than Ici today because we donā€™t know exactly how his PGO ability works, it might give him death immunity.

also Ici is poisoned and thereā€™s like a 2 percent chance of anyone actually healing him.

if i can somehow get the hammer twice and arete gets healed tonight or tomorrow we might be able to win in two days
thatā€™s the best case scenario though
not sure if iā€™m even gonna get the hammer now since i need to be online for that and i do have t osleep

Simon also has a vig shot that heā€™s talked about using on Ici.

Best case scenario:
-Weā€™re at 4v12
-D2 (today): Mislynch Blue with Vul hammering 4v11
-Kill 3 town (1 via Vulā€™s ability, 1 via skeleton, 1 factional), Simon shoots Ici, I get healed: 4v8
-D3 (tomorrow): Claimvig Derps or someone, mislynch Derpsā€™s check: 4v5
-Nightkills 4v4
-D4: We have majority with Marshalā€™s thing

Not sure what the average and worst case scenarios look like because I donā€™t know enough about townā€™s KP

The other thing to bear in mind if it comes to it is that a Vul lynch is in some ways basically the equivalent of getting a mislynch off, like we lose Vul, which is bad because Vul is controlling the thread + it gives town lots of information, but town still loses a member and we have the same number of members afterwards

I think if I die a Vul lynch is going to be pretty likely, people will look at me defending you off of Derpsā€™s check and be like ā€˜ah yes, clearly they used Hideā€™

thatā€™s why i reacted to you bringing up Derpsā€™ check the way i did
i can point to that later if you die and say ā€˜well i didnā€™t even notice the soft, arete clearly noticed because they were scum, but it had to be pointed out to me since i had no idea what they were talking about
i think it was a pocketing attempt and it worked because i wasnā€™t going to try and lynch arete at any point of the gameā€™

Iā€™m trying to set things up for the future with some of my posts so I can point to stuff later

Iā€™ve just realized i made myself sound 200 iq Iā€™m really not 200 iq

the one bad thing would be if chiang claims incompatible tomorrow and itā€™s between us.
weā€™re gonna be thunderdomed and we will have to decide which one to bus
or we can claim chiang got their results framed and thatā€™s why scum didnā€™t claimvig them

if Derps has a scum check we can potentially mislynch his target or claim his results were framed or that his target was framed

actually never mind we can fight back pretty well against the investigative claims