LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

If Chiang gets an incomp result between us we bus me every time

else we bus you, you flip Godfather, and everyone is like ‘so if Arete were town they’d have matched’

I used Rend on Derps, assuming he doesn’t have a way to bypass that that means that either he’ll find one of us NS, which is fiiiine, or he’ll get a redcheck on a town, which is great

The only problem is that he specifically called out a check on Hja, so people will be expecting frames

also this is a side comment but I am never ever going to try this hard again if I continue playing, regardless of alignment
I’m gonna change my whole meta so that I don’t have to do this. still gonna play to win but not like I’m doing right now
this game is absolutely nerve-wracking and I find myself constantly thinking about it, every time I’m not there I find myself worried something bad happened in my absence
both kai and dat were killed in my absence, for example and it made me somewhat guilty
every time I post I try to think about my next move and I’m nervous as hell, wondering what my posts look like from a town perspective and what I can accomplish
even when I start doing stuff other than fm the fm game is still at the back of my mind
I can’t continue like this (by that I mean, after the game is over)
if I continue playing I can’t keep playing like I am right now


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fk has just said we could rely on a Derps check
we might actually be able to claimvig Derps and mislynch FK tomorrow

Derps has been refusing to check FK and insisting on checking Hja for some reason

I have no idea why
Hja is obvtown
Solic level of obvtown

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you being bled is a huge deal because I don’t think we can afford to lose any more members

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so we have to go rivendell tomorrow and convince people to give you the hammer

also has the benefit of getting that map out of the way for endgame

That or get someone to heal me.

FK’s softed protective of some form but I think they’re going for Derps? and I may be misreading softs

Right, and Ginger can heal people in his neighborhood but I’m not in his neighborhood.

actually the soft I caught might’ve been a soft about Ginger’s group, since FK is in it

Just had a good idea.

If one of you keeps pushing the idea that Alice coaches me, you can use it as an argument to lynch Blue’s slot. Say something like ‘if set was coached and Blue flips scum then set is probably scum, and if it flips town than set’s probably town’.

Obviously use it in conjunction with other arguments since it’s probably not strong enough to get Blue lynched on its own.

I’m going to vote Andrej since the above argument probably won’t work if I’m on blue’s wagon when they get mislynched.

just FYI you slipped as scum here (“they”)

you can probably salvage this? not sure how though

“It was a reaction test”??? I guess??? don’t really have many ideas here to be honest

I’ll tie it into some bs rl political/philosophical beliefs.