LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

but hippo is on to us.

he might be.
since fk might have some form of pgo ability or could be watched, i want to kill him remotely via skeleton because that doesnā€™t reveal the visitor

blue claimed a hunter ability

thatā€™s true actually
but i wonā€™t die to it anyway

good point.

I think iā€™ll factionally kill hippo

stb could occupy bluestorm so my kill there is guaranteed

or occupy chiang, and then push a myslynch there, as no one will claim the occ

Honeslty, arete might be better for fac-kill

the thing is
we need to kill bluestorm, fk and hippo but all of them might have some form of protection or a watcher on them.
which means we need to pick the best possible combination of night abilities to kill them.
iā€™m convinced i have to kill fk remotely which means iā€™m sending a skeleton there
as for my oneshot, i could use it on hippo. the thing is, this only leaves one of you three to attack bluestorm. if bluestorm can be occupied then stb will occupy bluestorm and one of you will kill bluestorm.
but if bluestorm is occ immune while alerting then whoever attacks him is going to die. like i said before we canā€™t afford to lose any more members
iā€™m the only person who can attack bluestorm without fear of dying and thatā€™s why i wanna do it. if he dies i might claim a vig on him, if he doesnā€™t die i might claim i was occed idk

I can lie to chiang

and arete cleans hippo

i could claim a vig on blue if he dies, as stupid as the play might sound there is some logic to it considering i was saying that blue decides fkā€™s alignment and ā€˜i had no way to predict fk would dieā€™

yeah arete should probably just kill and clean hippo i think

I will lie to chiang, I think.

But then who we viggin?


@Luxy @Geyde would a PGO alert count as a ā€˜positiveā€™ effect for Marshalā€™s ability Diversion?

I donā€™t think luxy or geyde can answer that

well if something like pgo is in the game i think weā€™re allowed to know if itā€™s considered a positive effect
blue couldā€™ve fakeclaimed

The thing is, we donā€™t know if it actually is(blue could be 3rd party or a liar) and the answer to that question would semi-confirm his slot

if blue is a 3rd party i will headdesk

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No, it is not

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