[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!


there might be two healers
town-aligned and scum-aligned maybe
i don’t know it’s just guesswork

night immunity too

How many times do we think a claimvig can claimvig in a game? Three times? Infinite?

/vote Paths of the Dead
this for now
i also like helm’s deep

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prob infinite.
wouldnt be much of a claimvig otherwise

What do you think about paths of the dead

We have a lot of town dead, so they would win the vote.
Plus, we can guess that if a member of Mafia doesn’t have a vote on them, an ally will vote them to make sure they keep their power.

this should be really good for figuring out scum votes

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at this point they’ve probably used some limited abilities since it’s d3
so taking charges away is going to hurt a lot

However there is the risk to us town as well. I know that if this is picked and no vote is placed on me, I cant use my limited use ability anymore afterwards.

i will say that this effect doesn’t hurt me whatsoever in this situation

Why, because your limited use ability takes place during the day?

I say stop softing

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i don’t want to claim my abilities with a claimvig around but
basically the effect doesn’t do anything to me for a specific reason

so you can safely vote for me today for no reason if this map gets picked

I may or not be affected by Paths of the Dead’s second ability lol

i’m currently wondering if it’d be beneficial for whoever stopped the nightkill to out
if the nightkill was someone unexpected it might help determine who would’ve killed that person

Mirkwood And kill poe

two maps that benefit scum have been eliminated so outing might not be terrible

I’m p sure if you read a bit, people claimed some things that affected people with which you have questions about. Perhaps start there?