Mafia Championship Season 8 - RESULTS ARE IN! (post 464)

literally everyone has my vote for this useless stage

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this stage isnt useless it’s how we make sure we dont accidentally send chloe instead of me tbh


I said myself Im not sure Im really fit to represent fol community.

I decided not to vote for myself in the end.
If someone feels differently, then sure.

approval voating GoAT

Fwiw I voted orange here but he wouldnt be my first choice for the same reason, even if hes probably the strongest player in the list.

oh god we need this again don’t we

also fuck you I was active until this semester started

god forbid I take a short break while school and life gang up to kick my ass lmao

You were?
I sincerely apologize then.

I don’t play everything by any stretch of the imagination but yeah I’d definitely have called myself active over the majority of the past year

I suspect if we calculated participation my score would be one of the lower ones but if we count all-time participation I’ve got everyone else here by a mile lel

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I can’t remember orange playing ever but my memory is absolutely dreadful

we’ve literally been in games together

I can’t remember those

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Speaking of me not remembering things I just remembered I like
need to get somebody hired
that’s relatively important

I do remember umineko and autumn invitational.
But games that im not involved with are mostly a blur for me anyhow.

Anyway I retract the post about orange completely.

I’m not offended at all lol

no need to be so sorry, not your fault life has been a series of curveballs for me

I don’t think any one person is worthy of repping our community


I’m picking up what you’re putting down

RopeStringFace I feel like really encapsulates the essence of FoL


too bad sending a squad isn’t an option