MafiaUniverse Hydra Event 2020

I have 2 3-page essays I need to type tonight but i’m sure another won’t hurt


What do you dislike about me

You downplay your own mistakes and when things you do go wrong you have a tendency to say that the plan failed because of the reactions of others vs. your own actions.

I don’t make mistakes

Your parents sure have tho

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I’m pretty sure I was the result of a failed condom yes

do me

you havent shot honeycat yet

wait what

never forget

context is that during a turbo where you could only post in images I posted images trying to convey to sulit to give me a picture of her cat.

However I used guns in some of the images to try to convey that it was like a robbery at gunpoint for cat pictures to be funny

She, however, interpreted the images as me saying that she should shoot her cat and got increasingly mad at me for that.

I then executed her for not giving cat pictures.


heyyy Marshal :eyes: do me too

n e rd

no u

I’ll start with playing mafia with you. I, when town, do not like to play with you, regardless of your alignment. It’s just really fucking frustrating. You shroud literally everything you do in reactiontests / sarcasm / FPS / bullshit that it’s impossible to know what you mean when you say anything. You are like a teacher in a class who will ask questions to the class but every single question is a trick question. It’s not fun to be laughed at for giving what seems like a fine answer and being told “haha, you think, but it’s actually the opposite”. You stop raising your hand. You stop engaging. You just wait for the teacher to stop whatever fun they are having and for them to explain it, and take notes, and just try to get through the class. It sucks and I don’t like it.

I wrote maybe 5 more paragraphs of things about you and have deleted them, for reasons. I’ll leave you wondering what they are about, as a little bit of payback :wink:


I’m interpereting all strikethroughs as a yes unless you cancel

I’ll do solic first

marshal how the fuck are you so good at this

this is the meanest part of the entire post

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I hope you wonder forever

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i might

maybe in those paragraphs is an enticing roast :joy_cat:

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