MafiaUniverse Hydra Event 2020

i might

maybe in those paragraphs is an enticing roast :joy_cat:

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I don’t know you well in a sense that’s outside of mafia, so I’m going to base it only off of that.

Sometimes your posts come off as slight attacks at a person and it can lead to arguments that are unproductive and clog thread. You have a brand of sarcasm/sass where you very passive-aggressively reply to posts in a way that can feel unfounded. When people engage you double down and it gets into unproductive arguments where 1 person feels like they were just slightly personally attacked and needs to defend themself and the other is you.

Playing with you is like when someone is walking past you in a hall and makes an active attempt to trip you, you can either walk by being minorly offended by it or turn around and ask what’s up. Even if it was done as a joke it can lead to an argument and it actively makes the hallway harder for everyone else to navigate because you have 2 people in the middle of it arguing with minor personal stakes.

I still think you are cool otherwise and good at Mafia when you get past that but it’s definitely something I’ve noticed.

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do me lord marshal

You had a promising start as far as FM goes and then you kind of just… haven’t. I understand if IRL gets in the way but after FoL29 it’s been kind of all downhill from there in my opinion. I think you do well with high WiM but when you lack motivation or are busy you just don’t play well and you haven’t been active in a while.

It’s like you joined chess club and immediately did pretty well and beat a lot of players and then kind of just… stopped coming to meetings. It’s just slightly dissapointing tbh.

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I know you don’t know me really well, but I couldn’t help but get curious. Could you do me as well?

this is now the marshal roasts people thread

except katze who marshal is too scared to fully roast :pensive:

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I have done thsi type of thing before and I think I have said it best on the discord already

my only honest criticism of sulit is that she will pop in to conversations with a serious conversation topic and talk about something very not serious and it throws off the conversation

It’s like you are a cat. cat is good but sometimes there will be a business meeting and then cat will walk in and go up to you and meow and like now is not the particular time for a cat.

I like talking to sulit generally but sometimes we’ll be talking about like the philosophical implications of Forum Mafia ™ and you will pop in and say butter 3 times and leave and it doesn’t really add to the conversation


nvm this is the marshal compliments people thread

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Go the fuck to sleep.

thats my criticism.

You don’t get one until you do


this is FoL, where we enforce Good and Healthy Sleep Schedules :tm:


I can’t really say I hate you guys
Why are you so sweet


Only sulit has one of those

Maybe amelia

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I still don’t understand why I’m the only one with a relatively normal sleep schedule in america here

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I know ici has a pretty normal one

go to sleep

you will wake up to me saying mean things about you don’t worry

hey my sleep schedule happens to be perfectly fine

ily appel :two_hearts:

now sloop


ily ppl

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Go to sleep or this will haunt your nightmares