Make the starting king always be 1

This is a relatively minor suggestion, but I think it’d be useful to make the starting king always occupy slot 1; that would make it easier to read logs and would make the game very slightly more intuitive for new players, since “1” would always, without exception, refer to the initial king. It’d make stuff like observer results in the early game very slightly easier to read.

There’s really no purpose to putting the starting king at a random number, since he’s auto-identified anyway. So why not put him at 1?

I mean, it’s not a huge deal either way. But I think it’d be an improvement in terms of making it easier to read chat, logs, and notebooks quickly, and I can’t see any downside to it.



It would also mean that everyone is in order on the table rather than 1 being swapped with king

I am also for it. 1 is very unrewarding position to be, especially as unseen/cult since you are likely to get investigated early.

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This is a pretty good idea. Now it’ll only suck to be 16 lol

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Obviously we just need to make 16 always prince :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Nah, just make sure to give 16 to whoever says NK is above me, then they won’t ever be wrong, unless they’re NK


But then 2 will be the new 1!