Massive Possessor Rework POLL!

  • Puppet Strings should be able to force King to attack
  • Possessor should be able to read whispers of Puppet Strings target
  • Possessor should learn class of Puppet Strings target
  • Possessor should be able to read chat history of Possess target
  • Possessor should be able to deceive Exhume with Puppet Strings
  • Possessor should be able to read all whispers all game

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You’re idea of deceiving Exhume by showing the targets class instead of possessor is actually a nerf to him
Someone dying to observer n1 proves possessor game and also shows there’s atleast 1 observer in the game


Killed by a Mastermind

You’re idea of deceiving Exhume by showing the targets class instead of possessor is actually a nerf to him
Someone dying to observer n1 proves possessor game and also shows there’s at least 1 observer in the game

The current Exhume already proves Possessor game, so no nerf there. And proving the existence of a class early game is pretty useless to BD. Possessor can safely avoid proving this late game (where it matters) by Puppet Stringing himself.

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Currently 1 of possessors few benefits is the fact that he doesn’t kill himself, he get’s other to do it for him so he doesn’t risk running into Knight, Hunter, Observer etc. You’re idea of “Just use yourself” makes him vulnerable to everyone he’s meant to avoid

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The reason I say Possessor can safely avoid this late game is because that coincides with the time when there are no Knights, bears, or Observers - or when Possessor has enough information to play around them (possibly by Puppet Stringing a known Killer class).

I just realized most of the time none of the nk’s are varnurable to knight or hunters

Puppet strings forces someone else to kill

Reaper can just burn through souls

Sorc has perception

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They’re given the extra survivability because dying is equal to defeat unlike BD and scum classes


You are only just now realizing this?

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