Master Rework of Doom!

The ability works exactly as it already does. The only difference is the Immunity if you redirect a Reaper or something (much more relevant if you empower it and redirect the Possessor or something)

TBH they don’t really need a rework as they’re mostly fine. I do agree theater either Alter Link shouldn’t have a cool down or that Focus Link should have 3-4 charges. I also think that the Astral Network should only be able to hold up to 3-4 players max including the Psychic (so 2-3 other people, depending on whether or not Alter Link has a cool down or not. If it does then just let Focus Link let the Psychic remove someone at the same time or make it a new ability I guess). Still wish Psychic could talk to the dead though, but this might increase my chances of getting her lmao.

Honestly I think the soulcatcher should be able to use the dead player’s CONVERTED primary ability(drug, bat eyelashes, probe, mindwarp) instead of the BD version(well, alcoholic is the same. Maybe it shows her as BD if used on a sheriff?). Also what if the Priest chooses Psychic? Or can they not choose Psychic? Finally, if Snoop is no longer on any BD classes(lol orange will like that. I don’t talk much but even i know how much he hates that ability) is it going to be given to any evils? Even though it’s slightly useless as an evil, it could be used to find out claims/logs and maybe you can use it to your advantage(ex: who Sheriff is scouting, claims from Prince/Psychic, myabe you’ll Snoop the NK, or just getting info in general).


I like your idea man

And I still think Animist is a much better name for Soulcatcher

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Forger actualy has the same effect as snoop just with an additional death interaction.

I mean, it’s only useful on Prince/Psychic now for claims as they’re dead. Otherwise you won’t actually get any good info 90% of the time and it only serves to trip BD up instead of planning a strategy.

Agreed. Animist just sounds better IMO.

Thank You, it basically means the same thing though.

And @NightX, Nuclear’s given us the all clear to rename Escort to Steward

And about Soulcatcher being Animist, is it a nice name? :wink:

I personally prefer Soulcatcher over Animist. I think it sounds more evil.

Soulcatcher/Priest can use the primary ability of any class (except Killing/Special, to avoid extra conversions).

How does that work with Psychic, Merc, Scorned or Fool?

Psychic does nothing, since the Psychic is dead so the passive isn’t in effect. Mercenary doesn’t work, since you have no target. You can’t target anybody with Scorned, since you have no targets. Fool frames yourself, so it’s generally a bad idea.

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Okay so Court Wizard gains redirection immunity, and all redirectors, Court Wizard, Drunk, and Steward get a bus crash mechanic if they target the same player.

And here’s my King rework:

Have same abilities and passives as now except

Tenacity: Immune to occupation, target change, and all accusals count as two.

meaning a day ability spot can be made for more Starting King power as well as Baron/Duke

Added King. I added hidden visits to Loyal Subjects.

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Okay, and I’ll just start going through this and looking and what I think could be changed and stuff

My suggestion for Priest:

Seance: (D) (2)
When dead, choose a player. You will be able to talk to them privately tonight. Does not work if said player is in jail.

And for Animist (Referring to Soulcatcher), I personally feel like it’s a class that could use Mind Warp, as I feel it’s an interesting ability that’s so underused.

Scribe is looking pretty powerful with toggleable unlimited Private Matter.

And although I do think Nuclear’s Noble is really interesting, I just feel like Bounty isn’t as good of an ability as it requires a misplay from Blue Dragon to activate. I’d like to suggest this ability for an unlimited Noble night ability in place of Bounty for both Noble and Aristocrat. (Bounty really doesn’t make sense for Aristocrat to ever use anyways)

Diplomacy: (N) (oo)
Give another player an additional vote for accusal tomorrow. Cannot target the King.

It’s simple, but always usable and handy. Would also make Noble more friendly for new players.

And for Apostle:

shouldn’t this be identical to Mind Warp? I feel like choosing feedback would mess things up a bit too much, especially when an Apostle doesn’t even know the class of the target.

Death Knight seems over-nerfed in my opinion, but if Priest can get a second Reanimate or the Death Knight can live one more night, that would be fine by me. But shouldn’t Deathly Steel be that it bypasses all immunities except protection? It doesn’t really make sense to me that it can bypass protection but not immunity.

Mistress is the Unseen version, so I feel like this could just be a faction check instead, just to make it more useful for Unseen.

Gossip: (N) (oo)
Determine a player’s faction.

This Blue Dragon class should be renamed to Steward.

And I still push for Baron and Duke to have this passive.

And Baron and Duke should be Unique with Entitlement.


Yeah, I just copy pasted it so I’ll change it.

DK is OP in my opinion. It can kill 3 people. This consolidates it into 1, more secure kill. It also encourages the DK to bide their time, which I like, as it gives the dead time to discuss.

I’ll change that.

Oh just realized Death Knight doesn’t die in one night. Okay, never mind, I like this Death Knight

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I still feel like he needs guard. The way to make him not kill 3 people is to just have a successful guard kill him too.


There is a fundimental problem with vote manipulation like this. It only matters if it sways majority. As a secondary ability that’s fine but the primary Ability NEEDS to be useful at the early stages of the game (besides for proving). Bribe for example makes misplays less damaging and allows for hunter esc plays with anyone. The additional trials are powerful at all stages of the game but because of the misplay requirement it isn’t OP. It also allows for interesting suicide accusation opportunities.